Sota les mans
David Conill | 12 MIN | Catalonia
Throughout our life we are born and die many times. During all this time we collect all kinds of experiences.

International title | Under the hands |
Director | David Conill |
Screenplay | David Conill |
Country | Catalonia |
Year | 2022 |
Length | 12′ |
Language | Catalan |
Subtitles | – |
Production | – |

David Conill
Audiovisual artisan, passionate creator and film lover, I have been linked to everything that has to do with this for many years, my particular contribution to the seventh art and audiovisual creation goes from my work as a director of short films and video clips. Director of short films such as: No dejes que me hunda, La jaula de las golondrinas, Pau, El león de tigres or El hombre de espalda, among others. Director of video clips for groups such as: Obesas, Pep Poblet, Nito Figueras, Salem, Ju or Strombers among others.
FILMOGRAPHY: No deixis que m’enfonsi, La gàbia de les orenetes, Pau, El lleó de tigres o L’home d’esquena
Lift-Off Sessions Global Network a Londres – Anglaterra (2023)
Amity International Film Festival a Noida – Índia (2022)
Festival de curtmetratges Julius de Vic (2022)
… among others