Awards and Jury members
Find below the Jury members and the awards for the 21st edition of the festival.
The decision will be announced at the MFF website on Sunday 16th at 19:00 GMT+1.
MFF Jury
MFF Award to the best International short-film
Rewarded with a cash prize of 1.000€.
MFF Jury
MFF Award to the best National short-film
Rewarded with a cash prize of 1.000€.
MFF Jury
MFF Award to the best Osona (local) short-film
Rewarded with a cash prize of 400€.
Youth Jury
Youth Jury award to the best short-film
Choosen among all shortfilms in competition and rewarded with a cash prize of 500€.
MFF Jury
Gilbert Arroyo
Screenwriter, director of documentaries and documentary series, television programs and executive producer, he is currently responsible for content for The Mediapro Studio in Catalonia. Executive producer of the recently released series First Class (Netflix), he has been co-director among others of Sinfonía, a documentary screened at the DocsBarcelona 2017 on the initiative of the international tenor Juan Diego Flórez to promote music schools in disadvantaged areas of Peru, and Philosophy in Prison, Doc España Award at the Seminci de Valladolid in 2015. He has also written the documentary The Glass of Wonders, 2017, which follows the work of the painter, ceramist and sculptor Miquel Barceló in the creation of the ephemeral clay mural installed in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris. He has been linked to Mediapro since 2001 working in various formats for the main national television channels.
Carla Linares
She studied psychology at the University of Barcelona. As an actress, she has worked on Las amigas de Ágata, Julia Ist and Yo la busco, all three of which have been directed by women. He is part of the Pussy Picnic collective with which he has performed in Rome and Barcelona exploring the genre in an intimate way. In the theater, with the VVAA collective, he participated in Like si plores (in the Sala Beckett and La Pedrera in Barcelona; and in the Volksbühne in Berlin), a work of collective and experimental creation in which, in addition to acting, there, he also participated in the elaboration of the texts and in the direction. She has shot the Drama series as an actress, directed by Ginesta Guindal, and is writing the screenplay for a feature film. Daucus Carota was her first short-film as a director and screenwriter.
Miquel Escudero
Miquel Escudero is a journalist and a film curator. His articles have been published in magazines such as Sofilm, Dirigido Por and Caimán Cuadernos de Cine. He works as a film curator at La Semaine de la Critique of the Cannes Film Festival and at the International Film Festival Entrevues de Belfort. He is the Obscuritads curator and agent. He works also as a curator at Braquage and at Cinechilex.
Jurat Jove
Helena Durbán
Nascuda el 10 de novembre de 2003 és una actriu catalana en constant formació. Amb un gran interés en la literatura és autora del llibre “La loca es la cordura.” i una gran aficionada al cinema i, en general, al món audiovisual.
Níger Tous
Originari de la petita illa de Formentera i cinèfil des que té memòria, va estudiar Producció de Cine a Anglaterra I Història del Cinema a NYFA Los Angeles. Ara treballa a Barcelona com a Director d’Art en videoclips per grups com Don Patricio o Stay Homas, editorials com Vogue i en curts de ficció. També és coordinador de premsa al Festival de Cinema Fantàstic de Sitges.
Sílvia Ballesteros
Estudiant de Comunicació Audiovisual a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Des de sempre li ha agradat explicar històries i construir nous mons. La seva afició pel cinema neix als dotze anys quan descobreix l’art d’explicar tot el que imagina a través d’una càmera. L’any 2020 rep una menció especial al concurs Participa Méliès amb el curtmetratge Segueix-me i el 2021 el seu treball de recerca titulat Una vida de cine aconsegueix un dels premis de la UVIC. Com a espectadora, li agraden les pel·lícules que la fan pensar i no la deixen indiferent, aquelles que podria veure una vegada i una altra vegada sense problema, com ara Amélie, Interstellar, The Truman Show, Paris, Texas o Back to the future.